Archives and Museum

Villa Lante Center also houses the General Archives of the Society of the Sacred Heart and the museum dedicated to the foundress Sainte Madeleine Sophie Barat.
The mission of the General Archives is to preserve and make accessible the memory of the Congregation. The archives allow us to explore first-hand the material the testimony of the Society: the challenges, the decisions, the apostolate, the daily life of a community, the history of the Church and the local history in which the Society of the Sacred Heart has served.
The new Villa Lante Museum, which displays numerous objects and paintings from the General Archives, is a permanent exhibition of artifacts and artistic objects that show the fundamental stages of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, focusing on the figures of the two Saints of the Congregation - the foundress Sainte Madeleine Sophie Barat (1779-1865) and the woman who initiated the missionary drive, Sainte Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769-1852).
The museum and the mission display are an integral part of the life of the Villa Lante Center.
Groups visiting Rome will be able to participate in activities and seminars and attend the presentation of the General Archives of the Society of the Sacred Heart to understand and experience first-hand.
With the collaboration of the archive staff we will be able to organize lessons, for example, on the history of schools spread across 41 countries in the world and on the pedagogy of the Sacred Heart. It will also be possible to schedule a guided tour of the Museum to learn more about the inspirational story of the Society of the Sacred Heart from its foundation to today.
If you are interested in learning more about these topics, do not hesitate to write to us and ask to design an educational proposal for your group!

- The Novitiate opens and Community start living.

The Villa has become the Villa Lante Center for Religious and Lay Formation